Wednesday 23 March 2011

New (year) messiah with (g)old message


அற்புதம் நீயே
      அவலமும் நீயே
உற்றிட உயர்வு
      உறுதுணை ஆய்வு
           - சரியார்

You are the grace
You are the curse
To be free of rat race
Turn to your True face.
- Right-Who (short name)
- Who-Is-Right-O-Jesus-Christ (full name)

Personally we wish all of us a very happy and prosperous New Year 2011!

But, on the whole, is this year 2011 going to be any different?

As usual we will grow old / sick (certain) and wise (not so sure). If it is true that 'history repeats itself', that means we don't grow wiser compared to previous years / generations.

Having said that, history at any point is full of the whole spectrum of behaviour and all kinds of minds.

In all ages and years,

  • there were people you were addicted to accumulating wealth and power by any means along with people you were addicted to honesty and simple selfless service.
  • there were people you fought to change others along with people you sought to change themselves first.

..... (we can go on and on comparing many such kinds of minds and the large majority of mediocre in between the extremes) 

On average and on the whole the coming year may not be different as such but IT could be different at local/individual level and THAT MATTERS. 

Local change is possible (towards negative/positive entropy) but (and because of aggregated local changes) on the whole things stay the same. That is the paradox of existence/universe/life....

When realized that (local/individual change) is possible and is in our hands, this new year could really be a NEW YEAR for YOU!

(Now please read the top two stanzas again).

Thanks for your time.


கொடுமை சீற்றம்
       கொல்லன் சம்மட்டி
நடுமை சுற்றம்
       நகர்த்தும் தீக்கட்டி
(Evil generates the energy in which goodness is forged)

நல்லவை நம்பி
        நடிப்பால் மயங்கும்
அல்லவை அடியில்
       அதுவாய் முளைக்கும்
(Goodness creates the vulnerability in which evil raises)

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